GORULE violations assigned by CACAO
No annotations should be made to uninformative high level terms
Taxon-appropriate annotation check
Automatic repair of annotations to merged or obsoleted terms
Check for, and filter, annotations made to retracted publications
Each identifier in GAF is valid
Allowed gene product to term relations (gp2term)
Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed
No annotations should be made to uninformative high level terms
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000008: No annotations should be made to uninformatively high level terms--`MGI MGI:108075 Smo involved_in GO:0032879 PMID:21209331 IMP UniProtKB:P63015 P Protein smoothened protein taxon:10090 20230728 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000008: No annotations should be made to uninformatively high level terms--`UniProtKB P14780 MMP9 involved_in GO:0043388 PMID:22984561 IDA P Matrix metalloproteinase-9 MMP9|CLG4B protein taxon:9606 20121002 CACAO UniProtKB:P14780
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000008: No annotations should be made to uninformatively high level terms--`UniProtKB Q03405 PLAUR involved_in GO:0043388 PMID:22984561 IDA P Urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor PLAUR|MO3|UPAR protein taxon:9606 20121002 CACAO UniProtKB:Q03405
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000008: No annotations should be made to uninformatively high level terms--`UniProtKB Q9Y6H5 SNCAIP involved_in GO:0008219 PMID:16595633 IDA P Synphilin-1 SNCAIP protein taxon:9606 20120326 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9Y6H5
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000008: No annotations should be made to uninformatively high level terms--`AGI_LocusCode AT5G22260 MS1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0022414 TAIR:Publication:501723516|PMID:18032630 IMP P AT5G22260 AT5G22260|MS1|male sterility 1|T6G21.3|male sterility 1 protein protein taxon:3702 20160611 CACAO TAIR:locus:2176317
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000008: No annotations should be made to uninformatively high level terms--`AGI_LocusCode AT5G22260 MS1 involved_in GO:0022414 TAIR:Publication:501723516|PMID:18032630 IMP P AT5G22260 AT5G22260|MS1|male sterility 1|T6G21.3|male sterility 1 protein protein taxon:3702 20210331 CACAO TAIR:locus:2176317
Taxon-appropriate annotation check
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000013: Taxon-appropriate annotation check--`UniProtKB Q99707 MTR enables GO:0008705 PMID:16769880 IDA F Methionine synthase MTR protein taxon:9606 20130325 CACAO UniProtKB:Q99707
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000013: Taxon-appropriate annotation check--`WB WBGene00004952 spd-1 involved_in GO:0061073 WB_REF:WBPaper00038071|PMID:21246755 IMP P Y34D9A.4|Y34D9A.d|Y34D9A.e|Y34D9A.h|Y34D9A.i gene taxon:6239 20130330 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000013: Taxon-appropriate annotation check--`AGI_LocusCode AT4G34100 CER9 involved_in GO:0042335 TAIR:Publication:501748854|PMID:22635115 IMP P AT4G34100 AT4G34100|CER9|SUD1|AtDOA10A|DOA10A|ECERIFERUM 9|SUPPRESSOR OF DRY2 DEFECTS 1|DEGRADATION OF ALPHA2 10A|F28A23.140|F28A23_140 protein taxon:3702 20240401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2124251
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000013: Taxon-appropriate annotation check--`AGI_LocusCode AT5G41920 SCL23 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0001714 TAIR:Publication:501766251|PMID:26415082 IGI UniProtKB:Q9M384 P AT5G41920 AT5G41920|SCL23|AtSCL23|SCARECROW-LIKE 23|MJC20.2|MJC20_2 protein taxon:3702 20191114 CACAO TAIR:locus:2165685
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000013: Taxon-appropriate annotation check--`AGI_LocusCode AT5G41920 SCL23 involved_in GO:0001714 TAIR:Publication:501766251|PMID:26415082 IGI UniProtKB:Q9M384 P AT5G41920 AT5G41920|SCL23|AtSCL23|SCARECROW-LIKE 23|MJC20.2|MJC20_2 protein taxon:3702 20210331 CACAO TAIR:locus:2165685
Automatic repair of annotations to merged or obsoleted terms
- ERROR - Obsolete class with no replacement:Violates GORULE:0000020--`MGI MGI:1890546 Lin28a involved_in GO:0071076 PMID:18951094 IDA P Protein lin-28 homolog A protein taxon:10090 20170214 CACAO
- WARNING - Obsolete class:Violates GORULE:0000020, but was repaired--`UniProtKB P0AEU7 skp involved_in GO:0022417 PMID:9914480 IDA P Chaperone protein Skp skp|hlpA|ompH|JW0173|b0178 protein taxon:83333 20110925 CACAO
- WARNING - Obsolete class:Violates GORULE:0000020, but was repaired--`UniProtKB P56381 ATP5F1E part_of GO:0045261 PMID:20566710 IMP C ATP synthase subunit epsilon, mitochondrial ATP5F1E|ATP5E protein taxon:9606 20120212 CACAO UniProtKB:P56381
Check for, and filter, annotations made to retracted publications
- ERROR - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000022: Check for, and filter, annotations made to retracted publications--`UniProtKB Q14508 WFDC2 enables GO:0004867 PMID:23139753 IDA F WAP four-disulfide core domain protein 2 WFDC2|HE4|WAP5 protein taxon:9606 20121115 CACAO UniProtKB:Q14508
- ERROR - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000022: Check for, and filter, annotations made to retracted publications--`UniProtKB Q14508 WFDC2 enables GO:0019828 PMID:23139753 IDA F WAP four-disulfide core domain protein 2 WFDC2|HE4|WAP5 protein taxon:9606 20121115 CACAO UniProtKB:Q14508
Each identifier in GAF is valid
- WARNING - Invalid identifier:GORULE:0000027: ZDB-PUB-101122-3 does not match any id_syntax patterns for ZFIN in dbxrefs--`ZFIN ZDB-GENE-980526-512 l1camb involved_in GO:0060536 PMID:21073867|ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-101122-3 IGI ZFIN:ZDB-GENE-000920-1 P L1 cell adhesion molecule, paralog b L1.1|nadl1.1|wu:fa30h05 protein_coding_gene taxon:7955 20110925 CACAO
Allowed gene product to term relations (gp2term)
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2145650 Fam170b part_of GO:0002081 PMID:26179146 IDA C Protein FAM170B protein taxon:10090 20151020 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:109583 Pten part_of GO:0043005 PMID:21664258 IMP C Phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate 3-phosphatase and dual-specificity protein phosphatase PTEN protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:109599 Has3 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:24057227 IDA C Hyaluronan synthase 3 protein taxon:10090 20131108 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:109599 Has3 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:24057227 IDA C Hyaluronan synthase 3 protein taxon:10090 20130924 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1346319 Hax1 part_of GO:0016529 PMID:19920172 IDA C HCLS1-associated protein X-1 protein taxon:10090 20130208 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1261831 Hap1 part_of GO:0005813 PMID:21985783 IDA C Huntingtin-associated protein 1 protein taxon:10090 20111023 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1195276 Bloc1s1 part_of GO:0005769 PMID:16837549 IDA C Biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 1 subunit 1 protein taxon:10090 20111101 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1309489 Cask part_of GO:0005604 PMID:18664494 IDA C Peripheral plasma membrane protein CASK protein taxon:10090 20111106 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1309489 Cask part_of GO:0005634 PMID:18664494 IDA C Peripheral plasma membrane protein CASK protein taxon:10090 20111106 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1309489 Cask part_of GO:0005737 PMID:18664494 IDA C Peripheral plasma membrane protein CASK protein taxon:10090 20111106 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1309489 Cask part_of GO:0005911 PMID:18664494 IDA C Peripheral plasma membrane protein CASK protein taxon:10090 20111106 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1276109 Cldn1 part_of GO:0030054 PMID:21983942 IDA C Claudin-1 protein taxon:10090 20120330 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1277955 Bsn part_of GO:0009986 PMID:21940441 IDA C Protein bassoon protein taxon:10090 20111008 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95574 Fos part_of GO:0005634 PMID:26475860 IDA C Protein c-Fos protein taxon:10090 20151019 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95574 Fos part_of GO:0005737 PMID:26475860 IDA C Protein c-Fos protein taxon:10090 20151019 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95574 Fos part_of GO:0005783 PMID:26475860 IDA C Protein c-Fos protein taxon:10090 20151019 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:97769 Prnp part_of GO:0043195 PMID:15262264 IDA C Major prion protein protein taxon:10090 20151030 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:96819 Anxa1 part_of GO:0005886 PMID:19095957 IMP C Annexin A1 protein taxon:10090 20130223 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:96795 Lmnb1 part_of GO:0005635 PMID:23166514 IDA C Lamin-B1 protein taxon:10090 20130409 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:98384 Spn part_of GO:0001931 PMID:24250818 IDA C Leukosialin protein taxon:10090 20170407 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:96778 Lgals3 part_of GO:0009986 PMID:23576987 IDA C Galectin-3 protein taxon:10090 20130413 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:97800 Pthlh part_of GO:0005634 PMID:26859332 IDA C Parathyroid hormone-related protein protein taxon:10090 20160308 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95622 Gabrd part_of GO:0030424 PMID:25339733 IDA C Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit delta protein taxon:10090 20170202 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95622 Gabrd part_of GO:0030425 PMID:25339733 IDA C Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit delta protein taxon:10090 20170404 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95622 Gabrd part_of GO:0043025 PMID:25339733 IDA C Gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor subunit delta protein taxon:10090 20170404 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:88491 Crabp2 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:27609837 IDA C Cellular retinoic acid-binding protein 2 protein taxon:10090 20170214 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:88491 Crabp2 part_of GO:0005783 PMID:27609837 IDA C Cellular retinoic acid-binding protein 2 protein taxon:10090 20170214 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95808 Gria1 part_of GO:0009986 PMID:17229826 IMP C Glutamate receptor 1 protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95808 Gria1 part_of GO:0032590 PMID:21795692 IMP C Glutamate receptor 1 protein taxon:10090 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95820 Grin2a part_of GO:0009986 PMID:17229826 IMP C Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2A protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95820 Grin2a part_of GO:0043005 PMID:21558424 IMP C Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2A protein taxon:10090 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95820 Grin2a part_of GO:0043005 PMID:21664258 IMP C Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2A protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95819 Grin1 part_of GO:0009986 PMID:17229826 IMP C Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1 protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95819 Grin1 part_of GO:0030425 PMID:17229826 IMP C Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 1 protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:103038 Stat3 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:22761423 IDA C Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 protein taxon:10090 20170423 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95727 Gli1 part_of GO:0005930 PMID:16254602 IDA C Zinc finger protein GLI1 protein taxon:10090 20150222 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:97538 Rhox5 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:17509893 IDA C Homeobox protein Rhox5 protein taxon:10090 20130329 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:108075 Smo part_of GO:0005929 PMID:21209331 IDA C Protein smoothened protein taxon:10090 20111116 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2384210 Nphp4 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:21565611 IDA C Nephrocystin-4 protein taxon:10090 20130410 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2687319 Il1rapl1 part_of GO:0009986 PMID:21940441 IDA C Interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein-like 1 protein taxon:10090 20111009 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2687319 Il1rapl1 part_of GO:0030425 PMID:21940441 IDA C Interleukin-1 receptor accessory protein-like 1 protein taxon:10090 20111009 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1354161 Sirt6 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:24063863 IDA C NAD-dependent protein deacylase sirtuin-6 protein taxon:10090 20131108 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:107821 Has2 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:24057227 IDA C Hyaluronan synthase 2 protein taxon:10090 20130924 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:107821 Has2 part_of GO:0031410 PMID:24057227 IDA C Hyaluronan synthase 2 protein taxon:10090 20131108 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1100851 Elavl1 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:27609837 IDA C ELAV-like protein 1 protein taxon:10090 20170131 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1100851 Elavl1 part_of GO:0005783 PMID:27609837 IDA C ELAV-like protein 1 protein taxon:10090 20170131 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95821 Grin2b part_of GO:0009986 PMID:17229826 IMP C Glutamate receptor ionotropic, NMDA 2B protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:96650 Jup part_of GO:0030057 PMID:21880664 IMP C Junction plakoglobin protein taxon:10090 20130224 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:103290 Rela part_of GO:0005737 PMID:19557165 IDA C Transcription factor p65 protein taxon:10090 20130308 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95728 Gli2 part_of GO:0005930 PMID:21209331 IDA C Zinc finger protein GLI2 protein taxon:10090 20111116 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:107252 Nsun2 part_of GO:0033391 PMID:23401851 IDA C RNA cytosine C(5)-methyltransferase NSUN2 protein taxon:10090 20130326 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:104842 Coil part_of GO:0005634 PMID:28337219 IDA C Coilin protein taxon:10090 20170423 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:98715 Ift88 part_of GO:0005929 PMID:21209331 IDA C Intraflagellar transport protein 88 homolog protein taxon:10090 20111116 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95729 Gli3 part_of GO:0005930 PMID:21209331 IDA C Transcriptional activator GLI3 protein taxon:10090 20111116 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:106590 Has1 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:24057227 IDA C Hyaluronan synthase 1 protein taxon:10090 20130924 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1277959 Dlg4 part_of GO:0045202 PMID:23424281 IMP C Disks large homolog 4 protein taxon:10090 20130330 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:98467 Syp part_of GO:0043005 PMID:21664258 IMP C Synaptophysin protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2686926 Gdpd5 part_of GO:0030424 PMID:21943603 IDA C Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain-containing protein 5 protein taxon:10090 20130410 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2686926 Gdpd5 part_of GO:0043025 PMID:21943603 IDA C Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain-containing protein 5 protein taxon:10090 20130311 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2686926 Gdpd5 part_of GO:0097038 PMID:18667693 IDA C Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain-containing protein 5 protein taxon:10090 20130305 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1915396 Arl13b part_of GO:0005930 PMID:21209331 IDA C ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 13B protein taxon:10090 20111116 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2384917 Cep290 part_of GO:0005813 PMID:21565611 IDA C Centrosomal protein of 290 kDa protein taxon:10090 20130410 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1932386 Ift122 part_of GO:0097546 PMID:21209331 IDA C Intraflagellar transport protein 122 homolog protein taxon:10090 20111116 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1918918 Atraid part_of GO:0005765 PMID:25839652 IDA C All-trans retinoic acid-induced differentiation factor protein taxon:10090 20150410 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2657025 Opalin part_of GO:0044291 PMID:18490449 IDA C Opalin protein taxon:10090 20120415 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2671987 Shank2 part_of GO:0001750 PMID:19299912 IDA C SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains protein 2 protein taxon:10090 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2671987 Shank2 part_of GO:0001917 PMID:19299912 IDA C SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains protein 2 protein taxon:10090 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2671987 Shank2 part_of GO:0005883 PMID:19299912 IDA C SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains protein 2 protein taxon:10090 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2671987 Shank2 part_of GO:0005886 PMID:15207857 IDA C SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains protein 2 protein taxon:10090 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2671987 Shank2 part_of GO:0043197 PMID:15207857 IDA C SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains protein 2 protein taxon:10090 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1351333 Thoc5 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:15221008 IMP C THO complex subunit 5 homolog protein taxon:10090 20131104 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:95556 Flna part_of GO:0044295 PMID:26157139 IDA C Filamin-A protein taxon:10090 20151030 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1914218 Plin5 part_of GO:0005811 PMID:22675471 IDA C Perilipin-5 protein taxon:10090 20121111 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1921166 Ift57 part_of GO:0005930 PMID:21209331 IDA C Intraflagellar transport protein 57 homolog protein taxon:10090 20111116 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1929628 Rsad2 part_of GO:0005783 PMID:23160199 IDA C S-adenosylmethionine-dependent nucleotide dehydratase RSAD2 protein taxon:10090 20130326 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2146574 Ildr1 part_of GO:0061689 PMID:25822906 IDA C Immunoglobulin-like domain-containing receptor 1 protein taxon:10090 20150414 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1920563 Rpgrip1l part_of GO:0005737 PMID:21565611 IDA C Protein fantom protein taxon:10090 20130410 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1915596 Sirt5 part_of GO:0005743 PMID:18054327 IDA C NAD-dependent protein deacylase sirtuin-5, mitochondrial protein taxon:10090 20130329 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:87971 Ahi1 part_of GO:0005929 PMID:20081859 IDA C Jouberin protein taxon:10090 20111023 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1927665 Sirt3 part_of GO:0005743 PMID:18054327 IDA C NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-3 protein taxon:10090 20130329 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1922637 Sirt4 part_of GO:0005743 PMID:18054327 IDA C NAD-dependent protein lipoamidase sirtuin-4, mitochondrial protein taxon:10090 20130329 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2384919 Rxylt1 part_of GO:0005794 PMID:25279699 IDA C Ribitol-5-phosphate xylosyltransferase 1 protein taxon:10090 20150409 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1891340 Lpin1 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:26475860 IDA C Phosphatidate phosphatase LPIN1 protein taxon:10090 20151019 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1891340 Lpin1 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:26475860 IDA C Phosphatidate phosphatase LPIN1 protein taxon:10090 20151019 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1891340 Lpin1 part_of GO:0005783 PMID:26475860 IDA C Phosphatidate phosphatase LPIN1 protein taxon:10090 20151019 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2156764 Stard4 part_of GO:0005783 PMID:21767660 IDA C StAR-related lipid transfer protein 4 protein taxon:10090 20130526 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:2156764 Stard4 part_of GO:0005829 PMID:21767660 IDA C StAR-related lipid transfer protein 4 protein taxon:10090 20130526 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1922022 Atp13a2 part_of GO:0012506 PMID:22186024 IDA C Polyamine-transporting ATPase 13A2 protein taxon:10090 20120212 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1925139 Lbh part_of GO:0005634 PMID:11336496 IDA C Protein LBH protein taxon:10090 20120212 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1346065 Dlgap1 part_of GO:0014069 PMID:21558424 IMP C Disks large-associated protein 1 protein taxon:10090 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1913650 Alkbh7 part_of GO:0005759 PMID:23572141 IDA C Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase alkB homolog 7, mitochondrial protein taxon:10090 20130413 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:107562 Arpp21 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:29581509 IDA C cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein 21 protein taxon:10090 20180412 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1337062 Ap3s1 part_of GO:0016020 PMID:16837549 IMP C AP-3 complex subunit sigma-1 protein taxon:10090 20111101 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1347075 Nbea part_of GO:0005634 PMID:26999814 IDA C Neurobeachin protein taxon:10090 20160419 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1354184 Nox4 part_of GO:0005739 PMID:23624625 IDA C NADPH oxidase 4 protein taxon:10090 20160419 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1929915 Ncoa6 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:10788465 IDA C Nuclear receptor coactivator 6 protein taxon:10090 20120209 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1930666 Higd1a part_of GO:0005634 PMID:23646141 IDA C HIG1 domain family member 1A, mitochondrial protein taxon:10090 20130511 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1930666 Higd1a part_of GO:0005739 PMID:23646141 IDA C HIG1 domain family member 1A, mitochondrial protein taxon:10090 20130511 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1858233 Nphp1 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:21565611 IDA C Nephrocystin-1 protein taxon:10090 20130410 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1858233 Nphp1 part_of GO:0035869 PMID:21565611 IDA C Nephrocystin-1 protein taxon:10090 20130410 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:97837 Qki part_of GO:0005634 PMID:10506177 IDA C KH domain-containing RNA-binding protein QKI protein taxon:10090 20130331 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:97837 Qki part_of GO:0005634 PMID:10506177 IMP C KH domain-containing RNA-binding protein QKI protein taxon:10090 20130331 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:97837 Qki part_of GO:0005737 PMID:10506177 IDA C KH domain-containing RNA-binding protein QKI protein taxon:10090 20130331 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:103575 Skp1 part_of GO:0005813 PMID:10485847 IDA C S-phase kinase-associated protein 1 protein taxon:10090 20130326 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1345643 Sufu part_of GO:0005929 PMID:21209331 IDA C Suppressor of fused homolog protein taxon:10090 20111116 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1333784 Hdac5 part_of GO:0044295 PMID:26157139 IDA C Histone deacetylase 5 protein taxon:10090 20151030 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1858732 Keap1 part_of GO:0005884 PMID:14764898 IDA C Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 protein taxon:10090 20110924 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1347345 Homer1 part_of GO:0014069 PMID:21558424 IMP C Homer protein homolog 1 protein taxon:10090 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1347345 Homer1 part_of GO:0014069 PMID:21664258 IMP C Homer protein homolog 1 protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`MGI MGI:1347345 Homer1 part_of GO:0043005 PMID:21664258 IMP C Homer protein homolog 1 protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB F1RSS8 RXFP2 part_of GO:0005886 PMID:21251292 IDA C G-protein coupled receptors family 1 profile domain-containing protein RXFP2 protein taxon:9823 20110919 CACAO UniProtKB:F1RSS8
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q95274 TMSB4 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:15466884 IDA C Thymosin beta-4 TMSB4 protein taxon:9823 20130526 CACAO UniProtKB:Q95274
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q95274 TMSB4 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:15466884 IDA C Thymosin beta-4 TMSB4 protein taxon:9823 20130526 CACAO UniProtKB:Q95274
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`ZFIN ZDB-GENE-990621-1 mdka part_of GO:0005794 PMID:25803551|ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-150325-3 IDA C midkine a fb05b02|fc32h11|plei1|wu:fb05b02|wu:fc32h11|zgc:86655 protein_coding_gene taxon:7955 20150331 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`ZFIN ZDB-GENE-020507-2 invs part_of GO:0005929 PMID:21602787|ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-120323-3 IDA C inversin wu:fe47e11 protein_coding_gene taxon:7955 20130414 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P02929 tonB part_of GO:0030313 PMID:23798405 IDA C Protein TonB tonB|exbA|JW5195|b1252 protein taxon:83333 20151113 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P05825 fepA part_of GO:0030313 PMID:23798405 IDA C Ferrienterobactin receptor fepA|fep|feuB|JW5086|b0584 protein taxon:83333 20151113 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P06616 era part_of GO:0005886 PMID:8282709 IDA C GTPase Era era|rbaA|sdgE|JW2550|b2566 protein taxon:83333 20120224 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P06971 fhuA part_of GO:0009279 PMID:2156805 IMP C Ferrichrome outer membrane transporter/phage receptor fhuA|tonA|JW0146|b0150 protein taxon:83333 20130209 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P07017 tar part_of GO:0051286 PMID:19547746 IDA C Methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein II tar|cheM|JW1875|b1886 protein taxon:83333 20151101 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P0A6Y8 dnaK part_of GO:0016234 PMID:15866952 IDA C Chaperone protein DnaK dnaK|groP|grpF|seg|JW0013|b0014 protein taxon:83333 20151019 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P0A935 mltA part_of GO:0009279 PMID:9287002 IDA C Membrane-bound lytic murein transglycosylase A mltA|mlt|ygdM|JW2784|b2813 protein taxon:83333 20161109 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P0A964 cheW part_of GO:0051286 PMID:19547746 IDA C Chemotaxis protein CheW cheW|JW1876|b1887 protein taxon:83333 20151101 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P0AFX7 rseA part_of GO:0005886 PMID:12183369 IDA C Anti-sigma-E factor RseA rseA|mclA|yfiJ|JW2556|b2572 protein taxon:83333 20151113 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P0AGA2 secY part_of GO:0005886 PMID:2538820 IDA C Protein translocase subunit SecY secY|prlA|JW3262|b3300 protein taxon:83333 20131110 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P29131 ftsN part_of GO:0030428 PMID:14729705 IDA C Cell division protein FtsN ftsN|msgA|JW3904|b3933 protein taxon:83333 20151019 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P33937 napA part_of GO:0030288 PMID:10234835 IDA C Periplasmic nitrate reductase napA|yojC|yojD|yojE|JW2194|b2206 protein taxon:83333 20111023 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P75957 lolD part_of GO:0005886 PMID:10783239 IDA C Lipoprotein-releasing system ATP-binding protein LolD lolD|ycfV|JW5162|b1117 protein taxon:83333 20141123 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 1306768 Sp6 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:22676574|RGD:10047189 IDA C Sp6 transcription factor gene taxon:10116 20130221 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 1306768 Sp6 part_of GO:0005829 PMID:22676574|RGD:10047189 IDA C Sp6 transcription factor gene taxon:10116 20130221 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 1310545 Slc29a4 part_of GO:0005886 PMID:21538354|RGD:7794726 IDA C solute carrier family 29 member 4 gene taxon:10116 20150408 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 1561069 Fbxo31 part_of GO:0005813 PMID:23469015|RGD:10047221 IDA C F-box protein 31 gene taxon:10116 20130309 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 2199 Bcl2 part_of GO:0030061 PMID:9731187|RGD:15023479 IDA C BCL2, apoptosis regulator gene taxon:10116 20170409 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 2369 Cnr1 part_of GO:0045121 PMID:21895628|RGD:10047252 IDA C cannabinoid receptor 1 gene taxon:10116 20140404 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 2796 Hk1 part_of GO:0005739 PMID:2457393|RGD:10047157 IDA C hexokinase 1 gene taxon:10116 20121030 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 3032 Smad3 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:16690606|RGD:15023472 IDA C SMAD family member 3 gene taxon:10116 20160412 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 3032 Smad3 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:20097766|RGD:11079190 IDA C SMAD family member 3 gene taxon:10116 20160419 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 3074 Me1 part_of GO:0005739 PMID:9681477|RGD:10047338 IDA C malic enzyme 1 gene taxon:10116 20121113 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 3109 Mpz part_of GO:0005886 PMID:10212299|RGD:10047163 IMP C myelin protein zero gene taxon:10116 20140322 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 3112 Abcc1 part_of GO:0016323 PMID:24130369|RGD:10047278 IDA C ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 1 gene taxon:10116 20131105 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 3731 Sod1 part_of GO:0005764 PMID:7096343|RGD:10047299 IDA C superoxide dismutase 1 gene taxon:10116 20130221 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 61880 Vamp3 part_of GO:0097708 PMID:12737809|RGD:1298908 IDA C vesicle-associated membrane protein 3 gene taxon:10116 20171031 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 61956 Nt5e part_of GO:0005886 PMID:6017738|RGD:10047240 IDA C 5' nucleotidase, ecto gene taxon:10116 20130221 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 61965 Ptpn1 part_of GO:0005759 PMID:18583343|RGD:15023487 IDA C protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 1 gene taxon:10116 20160419 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 61965 Ptpn1 part_of GO:0030061 PMID:18583343|RGD:15023487 IDA C protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 1 gene taxon:10116 20160419 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 619856 Trdn part_of GO:0005886 PMID:22422768|RGD:7327227 IDA C triadin gene taxon:10116 20120415 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 62004 Cask part_of GO:0042734 PMID:18596612|RGD:8554451 IDA C calcium/calmodulin dependent serine protein kinase gene taxon:10116 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 62004 Cask part_of GO:0097060 PMID:8786425|RGD:61546 IDA C calcium/calmodulin dependent serine protein kinase gene taxon:10116 20111105 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 620421 Vamp8 part_of GO:0030496 PMID:12737809|RGD:1298908 IDA C vesicle-associated membrane protein 8 gene taxon:10116 20171029 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 620578 Sh3gl3 part_of GO:0005769 PMID:17088211|RGD:10047209 IDA C SH3 domain containing GRB2 like 3, endophilin A3 gene taxon:10116 20111115 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 620844 Apba1 part_of GO:0043197 PMID:25378388|RGD:10047276 IDA C amyloid beta precursor protein binding family A member 1 gene taxon:10116 20141120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 621090 Syngap1 part_of GO:0045202 PMID:9620694|RGD:634128 IDA C synaptic Ras GTPase activating protein 1 gene taxon:10116 20130221 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 621117 Nlgn1 part_of GO:0032433 PMID:19450252|RGD:8553605 IDA C neuroligin 1 gene taxon:10116 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 628772 Shank2 part_of GO:0060170 PMID:18596612|RGD:8554451 IDA C SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 2 gene taxon:10116 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 69264 Shank3 part_of GO:0060170 PMID:18596612|RGD:8554451 IDA C SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 3 gene taxon:10116 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 69329 Mapt part_of GO:0005874 PMID:1396588|RGD:10047156 IDA C microtubule-associated protein tau gene taxon:10116 20140129 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 70487 Ctnnb1 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:16690606|RGD:15023472 IDA C catenin beta 1 gene taxon:10116 20160418 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 70487 Ctnnb1 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:20097766|RGD:11079190 IDA C catenin beta 1 gene taxon:10116 20160419 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 70497 Nme1 part_of GO:0005741 PMID:22817458|RGD:10047196 IDA C NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 1 gene taxon:10116 20121118 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002325, RO:0002432, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`RGD 727960 Hax1 part_of GO:0016529 PMID:19920172|RGD:10047287 IDA C HCLS1 associated protein X-1 gene taxon:10116 20130208 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O00161 SNAP23 part_of GO:0005739 PMID:26733245 IDA C Synaptosomal-associated protein 23 SNAP23 protein taxon:9606 20160419 CACAO UniProtKB:O00161
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O00161 SNAP23 part_of GO:0005886 PMID:26733245 IDA C Synaptosomal-associated protein 23 SNAP23 protein taxon:9606 20160419 CACAO UniProtKB:O00161
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O14646 CHD1 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:22046413 IDA C Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 1 CHD1 protein taxon:9606 20111105 CACAO UniProtKB:O14646
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O14646 CHD1 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:22046413 IDA C Chromodomain-helicase-DNA-binding protein 1 CHD1 protein taxon:9606 20111105 CACAO UniProtKB:O14646
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O14656 TOR1A part_of GO:0005783 PMID:12671990 IDA C Torsin-1A TOR1A|DQ2|DYT1|TA|TORA protein taxon:9606 20120221 CACAO UniProtKB:O14656
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O14744 PRMT5 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:22952863 IDA C Protein arginine N-methyltransferase 5 PRMT5|HRMT1L5|IBP72|JBP1|SKB1 protein taxon:9606 20130413 CACAO UniProtKB:O14744
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O14936 CASK part_of GO:0005604 PMID:18664494 IDA C Peripheral plasma membrane protein CASK CASK|LIN2 protein taxon:9606 20111106 CACAO UniProtKB:O14936
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O14936 CASK part_of GO:0005652 PMID:18664494 IDA C Peripheral plasma membrane protein CASK CASK|LIN2 protein taxon:9606 20111106 CACAO UniProtKB:O14936
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O14936 CASK part_of GO:0005730 PMID:18664494 IDA C Peripheral plasma membrane protein CASK CASK|LIN2 protein taxon:9606 20111106 CACAO UniProtKB:O14936
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O15162 PLSCR1 part_of GO:0005730 PMID:24356419 IDA C Phospholipid scramblase 1 PLSCR1 protein taxon:9606 20140130 CACAO UniProtKB:O15162
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O15439 ABCC4 part_of GO:0016323 PMID:24130369 IDA C ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 4 ABCC4|MOATB|MRP4 protein taxon:9606 20131105 CACAO UniProtKB:O15439
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O15492 RGS16 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:10791963 IDA C Regulator of G-protein signaling 16 RGS16|RGSR protein taxon:9606 20130316 CACAO UniProtKB:O15492
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O43303 CCP110 part_of GO:0005813 PMID:12361598 IDA C Centriolar coiled-coil protein of 110 kDa CCP110|CEP110|CP110|KIAA0419 protein taxon:9606 20130324 CACAO UniProtKB:O43303
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O43665 RGS10 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:10791963 IDA C Regulator of G-protein signaling 10 RGS10 protein taxon:9606 20130316 CACAO UniProtKB:O43665
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O43823 AKAP8 part_of GO:0005730 PMID:26683827 IDA C A-kinase anchor protein 8 AKAP8|AKAP95 protein taxon:9606 20160504 CACAO UniProtKB:O43823
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O76081 RGS20 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:10791963 IMP C Regulator of G-protein signaling 20 RGS20|RGSZ1|ZGAP1 protein taxon:9606 20130316 CACAO UniProtKB:O76081
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O76081 RGS20 part_of GO:0005802 PMID:10791963 IMP C Regulator of G-protein signaling 20 RGS20|RGSZ1|ZGAP1 protein taxon:9606 20130317 CACAO UniProtKB:O76081
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O95264 HTR3B part_of GO:0009986 PMID:16571125 IDA C 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3B HTR3B protein taxon:9606 20130210 CACAO UniProtKB:O95264
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O95267 RASGRP1 part_of GO:0005794 PMID:21968647 IDA C RAS guanyl-releasing protein 1 RASGRP1|RASGRP protein taxon:9606 20111009 CACAO UniProtKB:O95267
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O95678 KRT75 part_of GO:0005882 PMID:15086549 IDA C Keratin, type II cytoskeletal 75 KRT75|K6HF|KB18 protein taxon:9606 20120309 CACAO UniProtKB:O95678
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O95684 CEP43 part_of GO:0005814 PMID:23554904 IDA C Centrosomal protein 43 CEP43|FGFR1OP|FOP protein taxon:9606 20171119 CACAO UniProtKB:O95684
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O95760 IL33 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:18787100 IDA C Interleukin-33 IL33|C9orf26|IL1F11|NFHEV protein taxon:9606 20160419 CACAO UniProtKB:O95760
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O95760 IL33 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:18836528 IDA C Interleukin-33 IL33|C9orf26|IL1F11|NFHEV protein taxon:9606 20160418 CACAO UniProtKB:O95760
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O95760 IL33 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:21357533 IDA C Interleukin-33 IL33|C9orf26|IL1F11|NFHEV protein taxon:9606 20160419 CACAO UniProtKB:O95760
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O95760 IL33 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:22215666 IDA C Interleukin-33 IL33|C9orf26|IL1F11|NFHEV protein taxon:9606 20160419 CACAO UniProtKB:O95760
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O95760 IL33 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:22215666 IDA C Interleukin-33 IL33|C9orf26|IL1F11|NFHEV protein taxon:9606 20160419 CACAO UniProtKB:O95760
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P01111 NRAS part_of GO:0005794 PMID:21968647 IDA C GTPase NRas NRAS|HRAS1 protein taxon:9606 20111009 CACAO UniProtKB:P01111
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P01112 HRAS part_of GO:0005794 PMID:21968647 IDA C GTPase HRas HRAS|HRAS1 protein taxon:9606 20111009 CACAO UniProtKB:P01112
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P01112 HRAS part_of GO:0005886 PMID:21968647 IDA C GTPase HRas HRAS|HRAS1 protein taxon:9606 20111009 CACAO UniProtKB:P01112
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P02786 TFRC part_of GO:0048471 PMID:20202662 IDA C Transferrin receptor protein 1 TFRC protein taxon:9606 20111022 CACAO UniProtKB:P02786
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P02787 TF part_of GO:0048471 PMID:20202662 IDA C Serotransferrin TF|PRO1400 protein taxon:9606 20111022 CACAO UniProtKB:P02787
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P04406 GAPDH part_of GO:0005634 PMID:28404743 IDA C Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase GAPDH|GAPD|CDABP0047|OK/SW-cl.12 protein taxon:9606 20170420 CACAO UniProtKB:P04406
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P04406 GAPDH part_of GO:0005829 PMID:28404743 IDA C Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase GAPDH|GAPD|CDABP0047|OK/SW-cl.12 protein taxon:9606 20170420 CACAO UniProtKB:P04406
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P06493 CDK1 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:15767402 IDA C Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 CDK1|CDC2|CDC28A|CDKN1|P34CDC2 protein taxon:9606 20170325 CACAO UniProtKB:P06493
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P06493 CDK1 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:15767402 IDA C Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 CDK1|CDC2|CDC28A|CDKN1|P34CDC2 protein taxon:9606 20170325 CACAO UniProtKB:P06493
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P08727 KRT19 part_of GO:0005886 PMID:23377137 IDA C Keratin, type I cytoskeletal 19 KRT19 protein taxon:9606 20130304 CACAO UniProtKB:P08727
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P0DJI8 SAA1 part_of GO:0005881 PMID:22131810 IDA C Serum amyloid A-1 protein SAA1 protein taxon:9606 20130221 CACAO UniProtKB:P0DJI8
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P15328 FOLR1 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:23243496 IDA C Folate receptor alpha FOLR1|FOLR protein taxon:9606 20130414 CACAO UniProtKB:P15328
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P19338 NCL part_of GO:0005654 PMID:23353999 IDA C Nucleolin NCL protein taxon:9606 20130426 CACAO UniProtKB:P19338
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P21333 FLNA part_of GO:0005730 PMID:22307607 IMP C Filamin-A FLNA|FLN|FLN1 protein taxon:9606 20121115 CACAO UniProtKB:P21333
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P21980 TGM2 part_of GO:0005886 PMID:2578891 IDA C Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase 2 TGM2 protein taxon:9606 20130523 CACAO UniProtKB:P21980
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P21980 TGM2 part_of GO:0005886 PMID:8105889 IMP C Protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase 2 TGM2 protein taxon:9606 20130523 CACAO UniProtKB:P21980
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P23508 MCC part_of GO:0005634 PMID:18591935 IDA C Colorectal mutant cancer protein MCC protein taxon:9606 20120212 CACAO UniProtKB:P23508
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P23508 MCC part_of GO:0005737 PMID:18591935 IDA C Colorectal mutant cancer protein MCC protein taxon:9606 20120212 CACAO UniProtKB:P23508
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P25490 YY1 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:22065573 IMP C Transcriptional repressor protein YY1 YY1|INO80S protein taxon:9606 20111120 CACAO UniProtKB:P25490
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P26196 DDX6 part_of GO:0000932 PMID:22022269 IMP C Probable ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX6 DDX6|HLR2|RCK protein taxon:9606 20111105 CACAO UniProtKB:P26196
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P26992 CNTFR part_of GO:0016324 PMID:21912637 IDA C Ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor subunit alpha CNTFR protein taxon:9606 20130410 CACAO UniProtKB:P26992
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P27695 APEX1 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:28404743 IDA C DNA repair nuclease/redox regulator APEX1 APEX1|APE|APE1|APEX|APX|HAP1|REF1 protein taxon:9606 20170421 CACAO UniProtKB:P27695
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P30530 AXL part_of GO:0009986 PMID:21529875 IDA C Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor UFO AXL|UFO protein taxon:9606 20220608 CACAO UniProtKB:P30530
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P31944 CASP14 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:23377137 IDA C Caspase-14 CASP14 protein taxon:9606 20130304 CACAO UniProtKB:P31944
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P31944 CASP14 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:23377137 IDA C Caspase-14 CASP14 protein taxon:9606 20130304 CACAO UniProtKB:P31944
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P33527 ABCC1 part_of GO:0016323 PMID:24130369 IDA C Multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 ABCC1|MRP|MRP1 protein taxon:9606 20131105 CACAO UniProtKB:P33527
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P34972 CNR2 part_of GO:0005783 PMID:28364261 IDA C Cannabinoid receptor 2 CNR2|CB2A|CB2B protein taxon:9606 20170421 CACAO UniProtKB:P34972
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P35222 CTNNB1 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:15040835 IDA C Catenin beta-1 CTNNB1|CTNNB|OK/SW-cl.35|PRO2286 protein taxon:9606 20160419 CACAO UniProtKB:P35222
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P35222 CTNNB1 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:7806582 IDA C Catenin beta-1 CTNNB1|CTNNB|OK/SW-cl.35|PRO2286 protein taxon:9606 20111116 CACAO UniProtKB:P35222
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P35637 FUS part_of GO:0005634 PMID:21909421 IDA C RNA-binding protein FUS FUS|TLS protein taxon:9606 20111006 CACAO UniProtKB:P35637
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P38398 BRCA1 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:23855721 IDA C Breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein BRCA1|RNF53 protein taxon:9606 20130910 CACAO UniProtKB:P38398
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P40616 ARL1 part_of GO:0005802 PMID:17488291 IDA C ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 1 ARL1 protein taxon:9606 20140404 CACAO UniProtKB:P40616
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P41220 RGS2 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:10791963 IDA C Regulator of G-protein signaling 2 RGS2|G0S8|GIG31 protein taxon:9606 20130316 CACAO UniProtKB:P41220
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P42345 MTOR part_of GO:0005635 PMID:25294810 IDA C Serine/threonine-protein kinase mTOR MTOR|FRAP|FRAP1|FRAP2|RAFT1|RAPT1 protein taxon:9606 20160405 CACAO UniProtKB:P42345
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P48509 CD151 part_of GO:0005604 PMID:23302890 IDA C CD151 antigen CD151|TSPAN24 protein taxon:9606 20140406 CACAO UniProtKB:P48509
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P49790 NUP153 part_of GO:0016020 PMID:26051542 IMP C Nuclear pore complex protein Nup153 NUP153 protein taxon:9606 20170423 CACAO UniProtKB:P49790
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P49792 RANBP2 part_of GO:0005635 PMID:25294810 IDA C E3 SUMO-protein ligase RanBP2 RANBP2|NUP358 protein taxon:9606 20160405 CACAO UniProtKB:P49792
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P49798 RGS4 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:10791963 IDA C Regulator of G-protein signaling 4 RGS4 protein taxon:9606 20130316 CACAO UniProtKB:P49798
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P49798 RGS4 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:10791963 IDA C Regulator of G-protein signaling 4 RGS4 protein taxon:9606 20130316 CACAO UniProtKB:P49798
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P51116 FXR2 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:7489725 IDA C RNA-binding protein FXR2 FXR2|FMR1L2 protein taxon:9606 20111208 CACAO UniProtKB:P51116
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P52948 NUP98 part_of GO:0005654 PMID:28221134 IDA C Nuclear pore complex protein Nup98-Nup96 NUP98|ADAR2 protein taxon:9606 20170404 CACAO UniProtKB:P52948
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P53350 PLK1 part_of GO:0005813 PMID:27579920 IDA C Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK1 PLK1|PLK protein taxon:9606 20170407 CACAO UniProtKB:P53350
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P55001 MFAP2 part_of GO:0001527 PMID:24353434 IDA C Microfibrillar-associated protein 2 MFAP2|MAGP1 protein taxon:9606 20140130 CACAO UniProtKB:P55001
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P59533 TAS2R38 part_of GO:0005886 PMID:12379855 IDA C Taste receptor type 2 member 38 TAS2R38|PTC protein taxon:9606 20130512 CACAO UniProtKB:P59533
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P61960 UFM1 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:28393202 IDA C Ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 UFM1|C13orf20|BM-002 protein taxon:9606 20170418 CACAO UniProtKB:P61960
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P61960 UFM1 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:28393202 IDA C Ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 UFM1|C13orf20|BM-002 protein taxon:9606 20170418 CACAO UniProtKB:P61960
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P62424 RPL7A part_of GO:0005730 PMID:25294810 IDA C Large ribosomal subunit protein eL8 RPL7A|SURF-3|SURF3 protein taxon:9606 20160406 CACAO UniProtKB:P62424
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P78310 CXADR part_of GO:0005737 PMID:22003382 IDA C Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor CXADR|CAR protein taxon:9606 20130224 CACAO UniProtKB:P78310
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P78310 CXADR part_of GO:0005923 PMID:22003382 IDA C Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor CXADR|CAR protein taxon:9606 20130224 CACAO UniProtKB:P78310
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P78381 SLC35A2 part_of GO:0005783 PMID:21918738 IDA C UDP-galactose translocator SLC35A2|UGALT|UGT|UGTL protein taxon:9606 20130526 CACAO UniProtKB:P78381
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P78381 SLC35A2 part_of GO:0005794 PMID:21918738 IDA C UDP-galactose translocator SLC35A2|UGALT|UGT|UGTL protein taxon:9606 20130526 CACAO UniProtKB:P78381
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB P98175 RBM10 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:28091594 IDA C RNA-binding protein 10 RBM10|DXS8237E|GPATC9|GPATCH9|KIAA0122 protein taxon:9606 20170423 CACAO UniProtKB:P98175
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q00839 HNRNPU part_of GO:0005654 PMID:28221134 IDA C Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U HNRNPU|C1orf199|HNRPU|SAFA|U21.1 protein taxon:9606 20170404 CACAO UniProtKB:Q00839
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q01201 RELB part_of GO:0005634 PMID:22065573 IDA C Transcription factor RelB RELB protein taxon:9606 20111120 CACAO UniProtKB:Q01201
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q04206 RELA part_of GO:0005634 PMID:22065573 IDA C Transcription factor p65 RELA|NFKB3 protein taxon:9606 20111120 CACAO UniProtKB:Q04206
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q04864 REL part_of GO:0005634 PMID:22065573 IMP C Proto-oncogene c-Rel REL protein taxon:9606 20111120 CACAO UniProtKB:Q04864
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q07021 C1QBP part_of GO:0005739 PMID:11083468 IDA C Complement component 1 Q subcomponent-binding protein, mitochondrial C1QBP|GC1QBP|HABP1|SF2P32 protein taxon:9606 20141123 CACAO UniProtKB:Q07021
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q07021 C1QBP part_of GO:0005759 PMID:9305894 IDA C Complement component 1 Q subcomponent-binding protein, mitochondrial C1QBP|GC1QBP|HABP1|SF2P32 protein taxon:9606 20170423 CACAO UniProtKB:Q07021
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q08211 DHX9 part_of GO:0005654 PMID:28221134 IDA C ATP-dependent RNA helicase A DHX9|DDX9|LKP|NDH2 protein taxon:9606 20170404 CACAO UniProtKB:Q08211
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q08379 GOLGA2 part_of GO:0000137 PMID:17488291 IDA C Golgin subfamily A member 2 GOLGA2 protein taxon:9606 20140404 CACAO UniProtKB:Q08379
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q08AE8 SPIRE1 part_of GO:0005741 PMID:26305500 IDA C Protein spire homolog 1 SPIRE1|KIAA1135|SPIR1 protein taxon:9606 20161108 CACAO UniProtKB:Q08AE8
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q10589 BST2 part_of GO:0005771 PMID:22072966 IMP C Bone marrow stromal antigen 2 BST2 protein taxon:9606 20111120 CACAO UniProtKB:Q10589
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q10589 BST2 part_of GO:0009986 PMID:22072966 IMP C Bone marrow stromal antigen 2 BST2 protein taxon:9606 20111120 CACAO UniProtKB:Q10589
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q13185 CBX3 part_of GO:0000775 PMID:10504293 IDA C Chromobox protein homolog 3 CBX3 protein taxon:9606 20130331 CACAO UniProtKB:Q13185
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q13416 ORC2 part_of GO:0005813 PMID:15215892 IDA C Origin recognition complex subunit 2 ORC2|ORC2L protein taxon:9606 20130317 CACAO UniProtKB:Q13416
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q15041 ARL6IP1 part_of GO:0005789 PMID:24262037 IDA C ADP-ribosylation factor-like protein 6-interacting protein 1 ARL6IP1|ARL6IP|ARMER|KIAA0069 protein taxon:9606 20160405 CACAO UniProtKB:Q15041
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q15139 PRKD1 part_of GO:0005794 PMID:11239398 IDA C Serine/threonine-protein kinase D1 PRKD1|PKD|PKD1|PRKCM protein taxon:9606 20120212 CACAO UniProtKB:Q15139
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q15546 MMD part_of GO:0005794 PMID:21968647 IDA C Monocyte to macrophage differentiation factor MMD|PAQR11 protein taxon:9606 20111009 CACAO UniProtKB:Q15546
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q16665 HIF1A part_of GO:0005634 PMID:22848707 IDA C Hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha HIF1A|BHLHE78|MOP1|PASD8 protein taxon:9606 20140406 CACAO UniProtKB:Q16665
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q16853 AOC3 part_of GO:0005769 PMID:23474851 IDA C Amine oxidase [copper-containing] 3 AOC3|VAP1 protein taxon:9606 20130526 CACAO UniProtKB:Q16853
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q16853 AOC3 part_of GO:0005783 PMID:23474851 IDA C Amine oxidase [copper-containing] 3 AOC3|VAP1 protein taxon:9606 20130526 CACAO UniProtKB:Q16853
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q16853 AOC3 part_of GO:0005794 PMID:23474851 IDA C Amine oxidase [copper-containing] 3 AOC3|VAP1 protein taxon:9606 20130526 CACAO UniProtKB:Q16853
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q1W209 ESRG part_of GO:0005634 PMID:23628413 IDA C Embryonic stem cell-related gene protein ESRG|HESRG protein taxon:9606 20130526 CACAO UniProtKB:Q1W209
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q3MJ13 WDR72 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:20938048 IDA C WD repeat-containing protein 72 WDR72 protein taxon:9606 20130221 CACAO UniProtKB:Q3MJ13
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q53GS7 GLE1 part_of GO:0005635 PMID:28035044 IDA C mRNA export factor GLE1 GLE1|GLE1L protein taxon:9606 20170408 CACAO UniProtKB:Q53GS7
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q53GS7 GLE1 part_of GO:0005813 PMID:28035044 IDA C mRNA export factor GLE1 GLE1|GLE1L protein taxon:9606 20170418 CACAO UniProtKB:Q53GS7
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q53GS7 GLE1 part_of GO:0005814 PMID:28035044 IDA C mRNA export factor GLE1 GLE1|GLE1L protein taxon:9606 20170409 CACAO UniProtKB:Q53GS7
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q53GS7 GLE1 part_of GO:0036064 PMID:28035044 IDA C mRNA export factor GLE1 GLE1|GLE1L protein taxon:9606 20170408 CACAO UniProtKB:Q53GS7
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q5FBB7 SGO1 part_of GO:0000775 PMID:24055156 IDA C Shugoshin 1 SGO1|SGOL1 protein taxon:9606 20130924 CACAO UniProtKB:Q5FBB7
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q5JR59 MTUS2 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:19806667 IDA C Microtubule-associated tumor suppressor candidate 2 MTUS2|CAZIP|KIAA0774|TIP150 protein taxon:9606 20130304 CACAO UniProtKB:Q5JR59
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q5T4F4 ZFYVE27 part_of GO:0071782 PMID:23969831 IDA C Protrudin ZFYVE27|SPG33 protein taxon:9606 20130910 CACAO UniProtKB:Q5T4F4
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q6NUT3 MFSD12 part_of GO:0005770 PMID:29025994 IDA C Major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 12 MFSD12|C19orf28 protein taxon:9606 20180302 CACAO UniProtKB:Q6NUT3
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q6UVY6 MOXD1 part_of GO:0005789 PMID:15337741 IDA C DBH-like monooxygenase protein 1 MOXD1|MOX|UNQ2493/PRO5780 protein taxon:9606 20120919 CACAO UniProtKB:Q6UVY6
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q70YC5 ZNF365 part_of GO:0005813 PMID:16617106 IDA C Protein ZNF365 ZNF365|DBZ|KIAA0844 protein taxon:9606 20151028 CACAO UniProtKB:Q70YC5
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q86SG6 NEK8 part_of GO:0005929 PMID:18199800 IMP C Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek8 NEK8|JCK|NEK12A protein taxon:9606 20130208 CACAO UniProtKB:Q86SG6
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q86TI2 DPP9 part_of GO:0005874 PMID:25486458 IDA C Dipeptidyl peptidase 9 DPP9|DPRP2 protein taxon:9606 20151117 CACAO UniProtKB:Q86TI2
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q86TI2 DPP9 part_of GO:0031252 PMID:25486458 IDA C Dipeptidyl peptidase 9 DPP9|DPRP2 protein taxon:9606 20151117 CACAO UniProtKB:Q86TI2
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q86W56 PARG part_of GO:0005634 PMID:9074616 IDA C Poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase PARG protein taxon:9606 20131105 CACAO UniProtKB:Q86W56
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8IZU9 KIRREL3 part_of GO:0008021 PMID:25902260 IDA C Kin of IRRE-like protein 3 KIRREL3|KIAA1867|NEPH2|UNQ5923/PRO4502/PRO19814 protein taxon:9606 20170409 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8IZU9
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8N137 CNTROB part_of GO:0005813 PMID:21576394 IMP C Centrobin CNTROB|LIP8|PP1221 protein taxon:9606 20130317 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8N137
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8N392 ARHGAP18 part_of GO:0001726 PMID:28251925 IDA C Rho GTPase-activating protein 18 ARHGAP18 protein taxon:9606 20171116 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8N392
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8N392 ARHGAP18 part_of GO:0005881 PMID:28251925 IDA C Rho GTPase-activating protein 18 ARHGAP18 protein taxon:9606 20171116 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8N392
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8N7H5 PAF1 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:22046413 IDA C RNA polymerase II-associated factor 1 homolog PAF1|PD2 protein taxon:9606 20111105 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8N7H5
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8N7H5 PAF1 part_of GO:0016020 PMID:22046413 IDA C RNA polymerase II-associated factor 1 homolog PAF1|PD2 protein taxon:9606 20111105 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8N7H5
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8TEY7 USP33 part_of GO:0005813 PMID:23486064 IDA C Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 33 USP33|KIAA1097|VDU1 protein taxon:9606 20130324 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8TEY7
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8WVN6 SECTM1 part_of GO:0016020 PMID:9480746 IDA C Secreted and transmembrane protein 1 SECTM1|K12 protein taxon:9606 20120414 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8WVN6
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8WXH0 SYNE2 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:12118075 IDA C Nesprin-2 SYNE2|KIAA1011|NUA protein taxon:9606 20120414 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8WXH0
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8WXH0 SYNE2 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:12118075 IDA C Nesprin-2 SYNE2|KIAA1011|NUA protein taxon:9606 20120414 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8WXH0
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8WYA0 IFT81 part_of GO:0036064 PMID:23990561 IDA C Intraflagellar transport protein 81 homolog IFT81|CDV1 protein taxon:9606 20130924 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8WYA0
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q92805 GOLGA1 part_of GO:0005802 PMID:17488291 IDA C Golgin subfamily A member 1 GOLGA1 protein taxon:9606 20140404 CACAO UniProtKB:Q92805
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q92985 IRF7 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:22065573 IDA C Interferon regulatory factor 7 IRF7 protein taxon:9606 20111120 CACAO UniProtKB:Q92985
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q969S0 SLC35B4 part_of GO:0005783 PMID:21918738 IDA C Nucleotide sugar transporter SLC35B4 SLC35B4|YEA4|PSEC0055 protein taxon:9606 20130526 CACAO UniProtKB:Q969S0
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q96D42 HAVCR1 part_of GO:0031514 PMID:21536871 IDA C Hepatitis A virus cellular receptor 1 HAVCR1|KIM1|TIM1|TIMD1 protein taxon:9606 20111009 CACAO UniProtKB:Q96D42
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q96DR4 STARD4 part_of GO:0031410 PMID:21767660 IDA C StAR-related lipid transfer protein 4 STARD4 protein taxon:9606 20130526 CACAO UniProtKB:Q96DR4
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q96GD4 AURKB part_of GO:0000776 PMID:22024163 IDA C Aurora kinase B AURKB|AIK2|AIM1|AIRK2|ARK2|STK1|STK12|STK5 protein taxon:9606 20130210 CACAO UniProtKB:Q96GD4
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q96KB5 PBK part_of GO:0005634 PMID:25575812 IDA C Lymphokine-activated killer T-cell-originated protein kinase PBK|TOPK protein taxon:9606 20150205 CACAO UniProtKB:Q96KB5
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q96L34 MARK4 part_of GO:0036064 PMID:23400999 IMP C MAP/microtubule affinity-regulating kinase 4 MARK4|KIAA1860|MARKL1 protein taxon:9606 20130328 CACAO UniProtKB:Q96L34
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q96MX0 CMTM3 part_of GO:0005829 PMID:28428220 IDA C CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain-containing protein 3 CMTM3|CKLFSF3 protein taxon:9606 20170422 CACAO UniProtKB:Q96MX0
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q96MX0 CMTM3 part_of GO:0031410 PMID:28428220 IDA C CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain-containing protein 3 CMTM3|CKLFSF3 protein taxon:9606 20170422 CACAO UniProtKB:Q96MX0
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q96PM5 RCHY1 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:25848801 IDA C RING finger and CHY zinc finger domain-containing protein 1 RCHY1|ARNIP|CHIMP|PIRH2|RNF199|ZNF363 protein taxon:9606 20170406 CACAO UniProtKB:Q96PM5
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q99459 CDC5L part_of GO:0005737 PMID:9038199 IDA C Cell division cycle 5-like protein CDC5L|KIAA0432|PCDC5RP protein taxon:9606 20120208 CACAO UniProtKB:Q99459
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q99543 DNAJC2 part_of GO:0005730 PMID:28416769 IDA C DnaJ homolog subfamily C member 2 DNAJC2|MPHOSPH11|MPP11|ZRF1 protein taxon:9606 20170420 CACAO UniProtKB:Q99543
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q99650 OSMR part_of GO:0016324 PMID:21912637 IDA C Oncostatin-M-specific receptor subunit beta OSMR|OSMRB protein taxon:9606 20130410 CACAO UniProtKB:Q99650
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q99757 TXN2 part_of GO:0005739 PMID:12032145 IDA C Thioredoxin, mitochondrial TXN2|TRX2 protein taxon:9606 20120331 CACAO UniProtKB:Q99757
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q99828 CIB1 part_of GO:0005886 PMID:20473878 IDA C Calcium and integrin-binding protein 1 CIB1|CIB|KIP|PRKDCIP protein taxon:9606 20140130 CACAO UniProtKB:Q99828
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9BR76 CORO1B part_of GO:0005886 PMID:15800061 IDA C Coronin-1B CORO1B protein taxon:9606 20130325 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9BR76
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9BRR6 ADPGK part_of GO:0005783 PMID:23168256 IDA C ADP-dependent glucokinase ADPGK|PSEC0260 protein taxon:9606 20130330 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9BRR6
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9BVG3 TRIM62 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:23402750 IDA C E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM62 TRIM62 protein taxon:9606 20130511 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9BVG3
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9BWF2 TRAIP part_of GO:0005730 PMID:27462463 IDA C E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRAIP TRAIP|RNF206|TRIP protein taxon:9606 20161009 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9BWF2
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9BZV1 UBXN6 part_of GO:0005768 PMID:26475856 IDA C UBX domain-containing protein 6 UBXN6|UBXD1|UBXDC2 protein taxon:9606 20151020 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9BZV1
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9H4A6 GOLPH3 part_of GO:0005794 PMID:18410729 IMP C Golgi phosphoprotein 3 GOLPH3|GPP34 protein taxon:9606 20140401 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9H4A6
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9H4A6 GOLPH3 part_of GO:0005802 PMID:19837035 IDA C Golgi phosphoprotein 3 GOLPH3|GPP34 protein taxon:9606 20140401 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9H4A6
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9NS56 TOPORS part_of GO:0005814 PMID:26872363 IDA C E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Topors TOPORS|LUN|TP53BPL protein taxon:9606 20160308 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9NS56
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9NTG7 SIRT3 part_of GO:0005759 PMID:12186850 IDA C NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-3, mitochondrial SIRT3|SIR2L3 protein taxon:9606 20160303 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9NTG7
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9NYV6 RRN3 part_of GO:0005730 PMID:28334682 IDA C RNA polymerase I-specific transcription initiation factor RRN3 RRN3|TIFIA protein taxon:9606 20170423 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9NYV6
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9NZM3 ITSN2 part_of GO:0005813 PMID:20479469 IDA C Intersectin-2 ITSN2|KIAA1256|SH3D1B|SWAP protein taxon:9606 20120415 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9NZM3
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9P2Y5 UVRAG part_of GO:0005783 PMID:24056303 IDA C UV radiation resistance-associated gene protein UVRAG protein taxon:9606 20131105 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9P2Y5
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9UBF9 MYOT part_of GO:0030018 PMID:10958653 IMP C Myotilin MYOT|TTID protein taxon:9606 20120225 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9UBF9
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9UER7 DAXX part_of GO:0000775 PMID:10504293 IDA C Death domain-associated protein 6 DAXX|BING2|DAP6 protein taxon:9606 20130331 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9UER7
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9UHL4 DPP7 part_of GO:0031982 PMID:11067927 IDA C Dipeptidyl peptidase 2 DPP7|DPP2|QPP protein taxon:9606 20120327 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9UHL4
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9UKW4 VAV3 part_of GO:0001772 PMID:15708849 IDA C Guanine nucleotide exchange factor VAV3 VAV3 protein taxon:9606 20151014 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9UKW4
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9UPQ0 LIMCH1 part_of GO:0001725 PMID:28228547 IDA C LIM and calponin homology domains-containing protein 1 LIMCH1|KIAA1102 protein taxon:9606 20171010 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9UPQ0
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9UQL6 HDAC5 part_of GO:0005634 PMID:26157139 IDA C Histone deacetylase 5 HDAC5|KIAA0600 protein taxon:9606 20151030 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9UQL6
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9UQL6 HDAC5 part_of GO:0005737 PMID:26157139 IDA C Histone deacetylase 5 HDAC5|KIAA0600 protein taxon:9606 20151030 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9UQL6
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9Y5X3 SNX5 part_of GO:0048471 PMID:25825816 IDA C Sorting nexin-5 SNX5 protein taxon:9606 20170215 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9Y5X3
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8WN95 ITPR3 part_of GO:0005791 PMID:11584008 IDA C Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-gated calcium channel ITPR3 ITPR3 protein taxon:9913 20120329 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8WN95
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8WN95 ITPR3 part_of GO:0030141 PMID:11584008 IDA C Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-gated calcium channel ITPR3 ITPR3 protein taxon:9913 20120212 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8WN95
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8WN96 ITPR2 part_of GO:0005791 PMID:11584008 IDA C Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-gated calcium channel ITPR2 ITPR2 protein taxon:9913 20120329 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8WN96
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q8WN96 ITPR2 part_of GO:0030667 PMID:11584008 IDA C Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-gated calcium channel ITPR2 ITPR2 protein taxon:9913 20120212 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8WN96
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9TU34 ITPR1 part_of GO:0005791 PMID:11584008 IDA C Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-gated calcium channel ITPR1 ITPR1 protein taxon:9913 20120329 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9TU34
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9TU34 ITPR1 part_of GO:0030141 PMID:11584008 IDA C Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-gated calcium channel ITPR1 ITPR1 protein taxon:9913 20120212 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9TU34
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0001025, RO:0002325, RO:0002432. Repaired to RO:0001025--`Xenbase XB-GENE-6077704 rab5c.L part_of GO:0097443 PMID:24403139 IDA C RAB5C, member RAS oncogene family L homeolog rab5cl|rabl protein taxon:8355 20140405 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0001025, RO:0002325, RO:0002432. Repaired to RO:0001025--`Xenbase XB-GENE-876576 nef1f.L part_of GO:0005882 PMID:1494944 IDA C neuronal intermediate filament family member 1 L homeolog nif protein taxon:8355 20120221 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB E1C2F2 PNN part_of GO:0030424 PMID:8922384 IDA C Pinin PNN protein taxon:9031 20121016 CACAO UniProtKB:E1C2F2
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB O77592 SLC35A3 part_of GO:0005794 PMID:21918738 IDA C UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transporter SLC35A3 protein taxon:9615 20130526 CACAO UniProtKB:O77592
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q6UKI2 AMN part_of GO:0016324 PMID:15845892 IMP C Protein amnionless AMN protein taxon:9615 20140404 CACAO UniProtKB:Q6UKI2
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`UniProtKB Q9TU53 CUBN part_of GO:0016324 PMID:6321516 IDA C Cubilin CUBN protein taxon:9615 20140404 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9TU53
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT1G75820 CLV1 part_of GO:0000325 TAIR:Publication:501741729|PMID:21333538 IDA C AT1G75820 AT1G75820|CLV1|FAS3|FLO5|ATCLV1|CLAVATA 1|FASCIATA 3|FLOWER DEVELOPMENT 5|T4O12.5|T4O12_5|CLV1 RECEPTOR KINASE PRECURSOR protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2204350
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT4G22240 FBN1b part_of GO:0005739 TAIR:Publication:501747060|PMID:22269069 IDA C AT4G22240 AT4G22240|FBN1b|fibrillin 1b|T10I14.70|T10I14_70 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2132006
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT4G22240 FBN1b part_of GO:0009507 TAIR:Publication:501747060|PMID:22269069 IDA C AT4G22240 AT4G22240|FBN1b|fibrillin 1b|T10I14.70|T10I14_70 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2132006
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT2G22670 IAA8 part_of GO:0005634 TAIR:Publication:501750741|PMID:22912871 IDA C AT2G22670 AT2G22670|IAA8|indoleacetic acid-induced protein 8|T9I22.11|T9I22_11 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2065994
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT5G01100 FRB1 part_of GO:0005794 TAIR:Publication:501750726|PMID:22916179 IDA C AT5G01100 AT5G01100|FRB1|FRIABLE 1|F7J8.80|F7J8_80 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2150129
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT1G69040 ACR4 part_of GO:0009506 TAIR:Publication:501753743|PMID:23394827 IDA C AT1G69040 AT1G69040|ACR4|ACT domain repeat 4|F4N2.2|F4N2_2 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2033223
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT1G75820 CLV1 part_of GO:0009506 TAIR:Publication:501753743|PMID:23394827 IDA C AT1G75820 AT1G75820|CLV1|FAS3|FLO5|ATCLV1|CLAVATA 1|FASCIATA 3|FLOWER DEVELOPMENT 5|T4O12.5|T4O12_5|CLV1 RECEPTOR KINASE PRECURSOR protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2204350
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT4G35310 CPK5 part_of GO:0005886 TAIR:Publication:501754329|PMID:23609608 IDA C AT4G35310 AT4G35310|CPK5|ATCPK5|calmodulin-domain protein kinase 5|F23E12.130|F23E12_130|calmodulin-domain protein kinase 5 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2122063
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT1G01290 CNX3 part_of GO:0005739 TAIR:Publication:501755265|PMID:23630326 IDA C AT1G01290 AT1G01290|CNX3|cofactor of nitrate reductase and xanthine dehydrogenase 3|F6F3.9|F6F3_9 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2035277
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT2G31955 CNX2 part_of GO:0005739 TAIR:Publication:501755265|PMID:23630326 IDA C AT2G31955 AT2G31955|CNX2|cofactor of nitrate reductase and xanthine dehydrogenase 2|F22D22.30|F22D22_30|AT2G31950 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2827337
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT5G60800 HIPP3 part_of GO:0005730 TAIR:Publication:501763737|PMID:25913773 IDA C AT5G60800 AT5G60800|HIPP3|AtHMP53|EAVY METAL-ASSOCIATED ISOPRENYLATED PLANT PROTEIN3|HEAVY METAL ASSOCIATED PROTEIN 53|MAE1.5|MAE1_5 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2159310
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT4G03240 FH part_of GO:0005739 TAIR:Publication:501766946|PMID:26517126 IDA C AT4G03240 AT4G03240|ATFH|FH|frataxin homolog|F4C21.17|F4C21_17 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2125477
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT4G03240 FH part_of GO:0009507 TAIR:Publication:501766946|PMID:26517126 IDA C AT4G03240 AT4G03240|ATFH|FH|frataxin homolog|F4C21.17|F4C21_17 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2125477
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: RO:0001025 should be one of BFO:0000050. Repaired to BFO:0000050--`AGI_LocusCode AT1G47260 GAMMA CA2 located_in GO:0045271 TAIR:Publication:501768269|PMID:26889912 IDA C AT1G47260 AT1G47260|APFI|GAMMA CA2|gamma carbonic anhydrase 2|F8G22.2|F8G22_2|GAMMA CARBONIC ANHYDRASE protein taxon:3702 20240619 CACAO TAIR:locus:2036741
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT2G43290 MSS3 part_of GO:0010008 TAIR:Publication:501768820|PMID:27029353 IDA C AT2G43290 AT2G43290|MSS3|AtCML5|multicopy suppressors of snf4 deficiency in yeast 3|F14B2.33 protein taxon:3702 20220825 CACAO TAIR:locus:2058198
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT3G59440 AtCML4 part_of GO:0010008 TAIR:Publication:501768820|PMID:27029353 IDA C AT3G59440 AT3G59440|AtCML4|F25L23.300 protein taxon:3702 20220825 CACAO TAIR:locus:2081287
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT1G27650 ATU2AF35A part_of GO:0005654 TAIR:Publication:501775128|PMID:28432478 IDA C AT1G27650 AT1G27650|ATU2AF35A|AtC3H8|T22C5.30 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2196929
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT4G36690 ATU2AF65A part_of GO:0005654 TAIR:Publication:501775128|PMID:28432478 IDA C AT4G36690 AT4G36690|ATU2AF65A|AP22.29|AP22_29 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2115280
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT5G51300 AtSF1 part_of GO:0005654 TAIR:Publication:501775128|PMID:28432478 IDA C AT5G51300 AT5G51300|AtSF1|SF1|SOT4|AtKH27|Arabidopsis SF1 homolog|SPLICING FACTOR 1|MWD22.25|MWD22_25 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2176222
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT1G27650 ATU2AF35A part_of GO:0005730 TAIR:Publication:501775128|PMID:28432478 IDA C AT1G27650 AT1G27650|ATU2AF35A|AtC3H8|T22C5.30 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2196929
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT4G36690 ATU2AF65A part_of GO:0005730 TAIR:Publication:501775128|PMID:28432478 IDA C AT4G36690 AT4G36690|ATU2AF65A|AP22.29|AP22_29 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2115280
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT5G51300 AtSF1 part_of GO:0005730 TAIR:Publication:501775128|PMID:28432478 IDA C AT5G51300 AT5G51300|AtSF1|SF1|SOT4|AtKH27|Arabidopsis SF1 homolog|SPLICING FACTOR 1|MWD22.25|MWD22_25 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2176222
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT3G27100 ENY2 part_of GO:0005654 TAIR:Publication:501779287|PMID:29588169 IDA C AT3G27100 AT3G27100|ENY2|MOJ10.18 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2091995
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000061: Found violation of: `Only certain gene product to term relations are allowed for a given GO term` but was repaired: BFO:0000050 should be one of RO:0002432, RO:0002325, RO:0001025. Repaired to RO:0001025--`AGI_LocusCode AT3G07040 RPM1 part_of GO:0019897 TAIR:Publication:1936|PMID:9861059 IDA C AT3G07040 AT3G07040|RPM1|RPS3|RESISTANCE TO P. SYRINGAE PV MACULICOLA 1|RESISTANCE TO PSEUDOMONAS SYRINGAE 3|F17A9.20|DISEASE RESISTANCE PROTEIN RPM1 protein taxon:3702 20210401 CACAO TAIR:locus:2077572
Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`dictyBase DDB_G0290157 pkgB involved_in GO:0006468 PMID:20200230 IMP P Protein kinase 2 pkgB|pfkA|pkbr1|DDB_G0290157 protein taxon:44689 20151019 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:97809 Ptprb involved_in GO:1990264 PMID:26063811 IDA P Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase beta protein taxon:10090 20170404 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:3026877 Ptprh involved_in GO:1990264 PMID:26063811 IDA P Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase H protein taxon:10090 20170404 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:1097152 Ptpro involved_in GO:1990264 PMID:26063811 IDA P Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase O protein taxon:10090 20170404 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:95691 Mstn involved_in GO:0033673 PMID:19357233 IMP P Growth/differentiation factor 8 protein taxon:10090 20130204 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:1096327 Axin1 involved_in GO:0045860 PMID:15526030 IDA P Axin-1 protein taxon:10090 20111211 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:107341 Ctss involved_in GO:2001259 PMID:22864553 IDA P Cathepsin S protein taxon:10090 20121002 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:96243 Hspa2 involved_in GO:0032781 PMID:22495301 IMP P Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 protein taxon:10090 20121118 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:96243 Hspa2 involved_in GO:1901896 PMID:22495301 IMP P Heat shock-related 70 kDa protein 2 protein taxon:10090 20131008 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:99892 Lama1 involved_in GO:0006468 PMID:12885773 IDA P Laminin subunit alpha-1 protein taxon:10090 20121031 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:95602 Fyn involved_in GO:0042531 PMID:23438599 IMP P Tyrosine-protein kinase Fyn protein taxon:10090 20130409 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:107799 Gadd45a involved_in GO:0033140 PMID:23329839 IMP P Growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein GADD45 alpha protein taxon:10090 20161016 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:1097166 Tcl1a involved_in GO:0032148 PMID:28262547 IMP P T-cell leukemia/lymphoma protein 1A protein taxon:10090 20170326 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:1354161 Sirt6 involved_in GO:0006476 PMID:27457971 IMP P NAD-dependent protein deacylase sirtuin-6 protein taxon:10090 20161029 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:109124 Vegfc involved_in GO:0045860 PMID:26934950 IDA P Vascular endothelial growth factor C protein taxon:10090 20160418 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:97621 Plk1 involved_in GO:0006468 PMID:21637952 IMP P Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK1 protein taxon:10090 20160415 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:103022 Reln involved_in GO:0032793 PMID:21852430 IMP P Reelin protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:103022 Reln involved_in GO:0061098 PMID:21852430 IMP P Reelin protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:103022 Reln involved_in GO:2000310 PMID:21814183 IMP P Reelin protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:103022 Reln involved_in GO:2000969 PMID:17229826 IMP P Reelin protein taxon:10090 20111022 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:104574 Ptprj involved_in GO:1990264 PMID:26063811 IMP P Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase eta protein taxon:10090 20170129 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:1926007 Rictor involved_in GO:0001932 PMID:23092880 IMP P Rapamycin-insensitive companion of mTOR protein taxon:10090 20121118 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:2444609 Nlgn3 involved_in GO:2000310 PMID:21808020 IMP P Neuroligin-3 protein taxon:10090 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:2444609 Nlgn3 involved_in GO:2000311 PMID:21808020 IMP P Neuroligin-3 protein taxon:10090 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:2444609 Nlgn3 involved_in GO:2000969 PMID:21642956 IMP P Neuroligin-3 protein taxon:10090 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:1921620 Rptor involved_in GO:0001932 PMID:23092880 IMP P Regulatory-associated protein of mTOR protein taxon:10090 20121118 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:1347347 Slc27a4 involved_in GO:0062003 PMID:23407971 IDA P Long-chain fatty acid transport protein 4 protein taxon:10090 20180215 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:2137586 Dtnbp1 involved_in GO:0043506 PMID:19094965 IMP P Dysbindin protein taxon:10090 20111101 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:1344371 Nek3 involved_in GO:0090043 PMID:19509051 IMP P Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek3 protein taxon:10090 20121117 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`MGI MGI:1314635 Rasgrp1 involved_in GO:0090630 PMID:11017103 IMP P RAS guanyl-releasing protein 1 protein taxon:10090 20111101 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P01315 INS involved_in GO:0051006 PMID:14677856 IDA P Insulin INS protein taxon:9823 20181113 CACAO UniProtKB:P01315
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P07363 cheA involved_in GO:0031400 PMID:15327941 IDA P Chemotaxis protein CheA cheA|JW1877|b1888 protein taxon:83333 20120923 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P0AE67 cheY involved_in GO:0018393 PMID:20398208 IMP P Chemotaxis protein CheY cheY|JW1871|b1882 protein taxon:83333 20120922 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P0AEC3 arcB involved_in GO:0046777 PMID:20097862 IMP P Aerobic respiration control sensor protein ArcB arcB|JW5536|b3210 protein taxon:83333 20120923 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P0AEJ4 envZ involved_in GO:0046777 PMID:10973966 IMP P Sensor histidine kinase EnvZ envZ|ompB|perA|tpo|JW3367|b3404 protein taxon:83333 20120414 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P27550 acs involved_in GO:0018394 PMID:15327942 IDA P Acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase acs|yfaC|JW4030|b4069 protein taxon:83333 20120923 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P27550 acs involved_in GO:0034421 PMID:15327942 IDA P Acetyl-coenzyme A synthetase acs|yfaC|JW4030|b4069 protein taxon:83333 20120923 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`RGD 3860 Thy1 involved_in GO:0046777 PMID:19723805|RGD:10047344 IDA P Thy-1 cell surface antigen gene taxon:10116 20121114 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`RGD 62037 Arc involved_in GO:2000969 PMID:17088211|RGD:10047209 IMP P activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein gene taxon:10116 20111115 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`RGD 620795 Src involved_in GO:0038083 PMID:18583343|RGD:15023487 IMP P SRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase gene taxon:10116 20160419 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`RGD 67383 Prkcd involved_in GO:0042325 PMID:21696630|RGD:10047294 IDA P protein kinase C, delta gene taxon:10116 20111120 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`RGD 68424 Dlg4 involved_in GO:2000310 PMID:12930820|RGD:8554754 IMP P discs large MAGUK scaffold protein 4 gene taxon:10116 20111119 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`RGD 69051 Tgfb1 involved_in GO:0006468 PMID:23393573|RGD:10047175 IDA P transforming growth factor, beta 1 gene taxon:10116 20130411 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB O43374 RASA4 involved_in GO:0034260 PMID:11448776 IMP P Ras GTPase-activating protein 4 RASA4|CAPRI|GAPL|KIAA0538 protein taxon:9606 20111101 CACAO UniProtKB:O43374
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB O43374 RASA4 involved_in GO:0034260 PMID:12845332 IDA P Ras GTPase-activating protein 4 RASA4|CAPRI|GAPL|KIAA0538 protein taxon:9606 20111101 CACAO UniProtKB:O43374
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB O43561 LAT involved_in GO:0045860 PMID:14624253 IEP P Linker for activation of T-cells family member 1 LAT protein taxon:9606 20111004 CACAO UniProtKB:O43561
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB O95267 RASGRP1 involved_in GO:0001934 PMID:21968647 IDA P RAS guanyl-releasing protein 1 RASGRP1|RASGRP protein taxon:9606 20111009 CACAO UniProtKB:O95267
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB O95267 RASGRP1 involved_in GO:0043406 PMID:15899849 IMP P RAS guanyl-releasing protein 1 RASGRP1|RASGRP protein taxon:9606 20111004 CACAO UniProtKB:O95267
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB O95267 RASGRP1 involved_in GO:0090630 PMID:10807788 IDA P RAS guanyl-releasing protein 1 RASGRP1|RASGRP protein taxon:9606 20111101 CACAO UniProtKB:O95267
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB O95267 RASGRP1 involved_in GO:0090630 PMID:12845332 IMP P RAS guanyl-releasing protein 1 RASGRP1|RASGRP protein taxon:9606 20111101 CACAO UniProtKB:O95267
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P01019 AGT involved_in GO:0043407 PMID:28283184 IMP P Angiotensinogen AGT|SERPINA8 protein taxon:9606 20170325 CACAO UniProtKB:P01019
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P04090 RLN2 involved_in GO:0050790 PMID:16049981 IDA P Prorelaxin H2 RLN2 protein taxon:9606 20110924 CACAO UniProtKB:P04090
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P08311 CTSG involved_in GO:0006468 PMID:8573071 IDA P Cathepsin G CTSG protein taxon:9606 20121117 CACAO UniProtKB:P08311
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P13725 OSM involved_in GO:0042531 PMID:21912637 IDA P Oncostatin-M OSM protein taxon:9606 20130410 CACAO UniProtKB:P13725
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P14780 MMP9 involved_in GO:0001934 PMID:22984561 IMP P Matrix metalloproteinase-9 MMP9|CLG4B protein taxon:9606 20121016 CACAO UniProtKB:P14780
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P16233 PNLIP involved_in GO:0061365 PMID:9631512 IDA P Pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase PNLIP protein taxon:9606 20121030 CACAO UniProtKB:P16233
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P18031 PTPN1 involved_in GO:0006470 PMID:22045810 IMP P Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 1 PTPN1|PTP1B protein taxon:9606 20111105 CACAO UniProtKB:P18031
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P18031 PTPN1 involved_in GO:0043407 PMID:22045810 IMP P Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 1 PTPN1|PTP1B protein taxon:9606 20111105 CACAO UniProtKB:P18031
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P21333 FLNA involved_in GO:0090042 PMID:26157139 IMP P Filamin-A FLNA|FLN|FLN1 protein taxon:9606 20151030 CACAO UniProtKB:P21333
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P22301 IL10 involved_in GO:0060302 PMID:9847016 IMP P Interleukin-10 IL10 protein taxon:9606 20110923 CACAO UniProtKB:P22301
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P24522 GADD45A involved_in GO:0033140 PMID:23329839 IMP P Growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein GADD45 alpha GADD45A|DDIT1|GADD45 protein taxon:9606 20161016 CACAO UniProtKB:P24522
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P24522 GADD45A involved_in GO:0071901 PMID:23329839 IMP P Growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible protein GADD45 alpha GADD45A|DDIT1|GADD45 protein taxon:9606 20161118 CACAO UniProtKB:P24522
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P25774 CTSS involved_in GO:2001259 PMID:22864553 IDA P Cathepsin S CTSS protein taxon:9606 20121002 CACAO UniProtKB:P25774
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P26441 CNTF involved_in GO:0042531 PMID:21912637 IDA P Ciliary neurotrophic factor CNTF protein taxon:9606 20130410 CACAO UniProtKB:P26441
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P26718 KLRK1 involved_in GO:0034260 PMID:22585739 IDA P NKG2-D type II integral membrane protein KLRK1|D12S2489E|NKG2D protein taxon:9606 20121113 CACAO UniProtKB:P26718
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P27361 MAPK3 involved_in GO:0031281 PMID:22027397 IMP P Mitogen-activated protein kinase 3 MAPK3|ERK1|PRKM3 protein taxon:9606 20111119 CACAO UniProtKB:P27361
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P39877 PLA2G5 involved_in GO:0010518 PMID:22837859 IDA P Phospholipase A2 group V PLA2G5 protein taxon:9606 20121113 CACAO UniProtKB:P39877
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P40933 IL15 involved_in GO:0007260 PMID:12244150 IDA P Interleukin-15 IL15 protein taxon:9606 20121113 CACAO UniProtKB:P40933
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P41221 WNT5A involved_in GO:1900020 PMID:12086864 IMP P Protein Wnt-5a WNT5A protein taxon:9606 20130219 CACAO UniProtKB:P41221
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P43405 SYK involved_in GO:0006468 PMID:17681949 IDA P Tyrosine-protein kinase SYK SYK protein taxon:9606 20130210 CACAO UniProtKB:P43405
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P45983 MAPK8 involved_in GO:0031281 PMID:22027397 IMP P Mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 MAPK8|JNK1|PRKM8|SAPK1|SAPK1C protein taxon:9606 20111119 CACAO UniProtKB:P45983
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P53350 PLK1 involved_in GO:0006468 PMID:22701722 IDA P Serine/threonine-protein kinase PLK1 PLK1|PLK protein taxon:9606 20130414 CACAO UniProtKB:P53350
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P62136 PPP1CA involved_in GO:0006470 PMID:22311981 IMP P Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase PP1-alpha catalytic subunit PPP1CA|PPP1A protein taxon:9606 20121016 CACAO UniProtKB:P62136
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P62136 PPP1CA involved_in GO:0016311 PMID:22311981 IDA P Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase PP1-alpha catalytic subunit PPP1CA|PPP1A protein taxon:9606 20120212 CACAO UniProtKB:P62136
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB P78362 SRPK2 involved_in GO:0018105 PMID:26167880 IGI UniProtKB:Q15637 P SRSF protein kinase 2 SRPK2 protein taxon:9606 20160216 CACAO UniProtKB:P78362
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q03405 PLAUR involved_in GO:0001934 PMID:22984561 IMP P Urokinase plasminogen activator surface receptor PLAUR|MO3|UPAR protein taxon:9606 20121016 CACAO UniProtKB:Q03405
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q06187 BTK involved_in GO:0018108 PMID:11606584 IDA P Tyrosine-protein kinase BTK BTK|AGMX1|ATK|BPK protein taxon:9606 20140129 CACAO UniProtKB:Q06187
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q13094 LCP2 involved_in GO:0045860 PMID:14624253 IEP P Lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2 LCP2 protein taxon:9606 20111004 CACAO UniProtKB:Q13094
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q13148 TARDBP involved_in GO:0001933 PMID:18305152 IMP P TAR DNA-binding protein 43 TARDBP|TDP43 protein taxon:9606 20130409 CACAO UniProtKB:Q13148
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q14116 IL18 involved_in GO:0042531 PMID:10903731 IDA P Interleukin-18 IL18|IGIF|IL1F4 protein taxon:9606 20121019 CACAO UniProtKB:Q14116
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q14289 PTK2B involved_in GO:0038083 PMID:9545257 IDA P Protein-tyrosine kinase 2-beta PTK2B|FAK2|PYK2|RAFTK protein taxon:9606 20140129 CACAO UniProtKB:Q14289
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q15546 MMD involved_in GO:0045860 PMID:21968647 IDA P Monocyte to macrophage differentiation factor MMD|PAQR11 protein taxon:9606 20111009 CACAO UniProtKB:Q15546
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q16539 MAPK14 involved_in GO:0031281 PMID:22027397 IMP P Mitogen-activated protein kinase 14 MAPK14|CSBP|CSBP1|CSBP2|CSPB1|MXI2|SAPK2A protein taxon:9606 20111119 CACAO UniProtKB:Q16539
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q16619 CTF1 involved_in GO:0042531 PMID:21912637 IDA P Cardiotrophin-1 CTF1 protein taxon:9606 20130410 CACAO UniProtKB:Q16619
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q8IY49 MMD2 involved_in GO:0045860 PMID:21968647 IDA P Monocyte to macrophage differentiation factor 2 MMD2|PAQR10 protein taxon:9606 20111009 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8IY49
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q8N4C8 MINK1 involved_in GO:0006468 PMID:21690388 IMP P Misshapen-like kinase 1 MINK1|B55|MAP4K6|MINK|YSK2|ZC3 protein taxon:9606 20130208 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8N4C8
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q8N543 OGFOD1 involved_in GO:0019511 PMID:24550447 IDA P Prolyl 3-hydroxylase OGFOD1 OGFOD1|KIAA1612|TPA1 protein taxon:9606 20140405 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8N543
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q8N6T7 SIRT6 involved_in GO:0006476 PMID:27457971 IMP P NAD-dependent protein deacylase sirtuin-6 SIRT6|SIR2L6 protein taxon:9606 20161001 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8N6T7
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q8TDR0 TRAF3IP1 involved_in GO:0001933 PMID:22079989 IMP P TRAF3-interacting protein 1 TRAF3IP1|IFT54|MIPT3 protein taxon:9606 20111120 CACAO UniProtKB:Q8TDR0
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q96EB6 SIRT1 involved_in GO:1901984 PMID:17916362 IMP P NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-1 SIRT1|SIR2L1 protein taxon:9606 20140216 CACAO UniProtKB:Q96EB6
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q96PY6 NEK1 involved_in GO:0006468 PMID:19158487 IDA P Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek1 NEK1|KIAA1901 protein taxon:9606 20121118 CACAO UniProtKB:Q96PY6
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q9BZL6 PRKD2 involved_in GO:0006468 PMID:22228765 IDA P Serine/threonine-protein kinase D2 PRKD2|PKD2|HSPC187 protein taxon:9606 20120212 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9BZL6
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q9GZM8 NDEL1 involved_in GO:0043547 PMID:21283621 IMP P Nuclear distribution protein nudE-like 1 NDEL1|EOPA|MITAP1|NUDEL protein taxon:9606 20111023 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9GZM8
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q9HBE4 IL21 involved_in GO:0007260 PMID:12244150 IDA P Interleukin-21 IL21 protein taxon:9606 20121112 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9HBE4
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q9NR96 TLR9 involved_in GO:1901895 PMID:24610369 IDA P Toll-like receptor 9 TLR9|UNQ5798/PRO19605 protein taxon:9606 20140406 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9NR96
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q9NTG7 SIRT3 involved_in GO:1901671 PMID:25210848 IDA P NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-3, mitochondrial SIRT3|SIR2L3 protein taxon:9606 20160302 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9NTG7
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q9NTG7 SIRT3 involved_in GO:1902553 PMID:25210848 IDA P NAD-dependent protein deacetylase sirtuin-3, mitochondrial SIRT3|SIR2L3 protein taxon:9606 20160302 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9NTG7
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`UniProtKB Q9UBK5 HCST involved_in GO:0006468 PMID:10528161 IGI UniProtKB:P27986|UniProtKB:P31749 P Hematopoietic cell signal transducer HCST|DAP10|KAP10|PIK3AP|UNQ587/PRO1157 protein taxon:9606 20110921 CACAO UniProtKB:Q9UBK5
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`WB WBGene00004055 pmk-1 involved_in GO:0018105 WB_REF:WBPaper00026814|PMID:16166371 IDA P B0218.3 gene taxon:6239 20130304 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`Xenbase XB-GENE-866102 chek1.S acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006468 PMID:10068474 IMP P checkpoint kinase 1 S homeolog Chk1|XChk1 protein taxon:8355 20111115 CACAO
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`AGI_LocusCode AT3G20860 NEK5 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006468 TAIR:Publication:501742668|PMID:21605211 IDA P AT3G20860 AT3G20860|ATNEK5|NEK5|NIMA-related kinase 5|MOE17.17|NIMA-related kinase5 protein taxon:3702 20170301 CACAO TAIR:locus:2091911
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`AGI_LocusCode AT3G20860 NEK5 involved_in GO:0006468 TAIR:Publication:501742668|PMID:21605211 IDA P AT3G20860 AT3G20860|ATNEK5|NEK5|NIMA-related kinase 5|MOE17.17|NIMA-related kinase5 protein taxon:3702 20210331 CACAO TAIR:locus:2091911
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`AGI_LocusCode AT4G26080 ABI1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0006470 TAIR:Publication:501745757|PMID:22090030 IDA P AT4G26080 AT4G26080|ABI1|AtABI1|ABA INSENSITIVE 1|F20B18.190|F20B18_190|PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 2C ABI1 protein taxon:3702 20160611 CACAO TAIR:locus:2005488
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`AGI_LocusCode AT4G26080 ABI1 involved_in GO:0006470 TAIR:Publication:501745757|PMID:22090030 IDA P AT4G26080 AT4G26080|ABI1|AtABI1|ABA INSENSITIVE 1|F20B18.190|F20B18_190|PROTEIN PHOSPHATASE 2C ABI1 protein taxon:3702 20210331 CACAO TAIR:locus:2005488
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`AGI_LocusCode AT4G33950 OST1 acts_upstream_of_or_within GO:0046777 TAIR:Publication:501745757|PMID:22090030 IDA P AT4G33950 AT4G33950|OST1|SNRK2-6|SRK2E|SNRK2.6|P44|ATOST1|OPEN STOMATA 1|SUCROSE NONFERMENTING 1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE 2-6|SNF1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE 2.6|F17I5.140|F17I5_140 protein taxon:3702 20160611 CACAO TAIR:locus:2118929
- WARNING - Violates GO Rule:GORULE:0000065: Annotations to term that are candidates for obsoletion should be removed--`AGI_LocusCode AT4G33950 OST1 involved_in GO:0046777 TAIR:Publication:501745757|PMID:22090030 IDA P AT4G33950 AT4G33950|OST1|SNRK2-6|SRK2E|SNRK2.6|P44|ATOST1|OPEN STOMATA 1|SUCROSE NONFERMENTING 1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE 2-6|SNF1-RELATED PROTEIN KINASE 2.6|F17I5.140|F17I5_140 protein taxon:3702 20210331 CACAO TAIR:locus:2118929